Domestic Programs

At undergraduate level, SMC offers three programs as follows:

·  Journalism & Communication

·  Radio and Television Directing

·  Cultural Industry Management

SMC features its teaching in high interaction of arts and science, interdependence of theory and practice, interconnection of technology, academic research and arts, internationalization, digitization, and integration of Industry-University-Research. Relying on the advantage of SJTU in advanced digital techniques and mature HD digital film and television system, SMC is aspiring to create a new pattern of media and design discipline with the digital new media as a breakthrough. Moreover, SMC is active in the creation of cultural products and the research of modern cultural art and communication theories. It also fully utilizes the school’s research centers and institutions, as well as Big Data technology, Information Visualization technology and New Media Methodology for students to turn theory into practice. SMC’s mission is to train and educate a new generation of talents who are not only specialized in modern media techniques, but also equipped with proficient writing and design skills. Currently, SMC has about 400 undergraduates, and a considerable number of them are international students.
